General discussion about flying.

Glennies yesterday

By JOD | Wed, 22/05/2013 - 00:20

John boy Spencer did a ring around for flying company after his weather prediction was for good conditions for Tuesday.

I shuffled around some of my more pressing engagements and was joined by Adriaan and Donsta for a trip up the hill in John's truck.

About 8kts on the water in the bomb out looked good but on top of the hill, wind compression meant we had plenty of time for lunch before take off.

I was first off, and with strong lift was soon ridge soaring about 800' above with fire to the north showing plenty of wind.

Another magic afternoon

By JOD | Mon, 06/05/2013 - 13:35

Always reckon that the squally days on the coast end up the most enjoyable. Today Virpi, Darren Morton, Paul and me got off at Merewether in 13kt southerly with squalls out on the horizon. Wasn't long before we got a bit of convergence and lots of height as the winds turned SE in front of the various gust fronts from the approaching rain. Here Darren searches around for a bit more height

And some nice rainbows out to sea

Glider Tumble

By jkath | Wed, 03/04/2013 - 06:41

It brings me great sadness to inform you that my much loved Aeros Combat L13 had its last flight on 29/3/13. We were having a great little fly around Mt Borrah (Manila NSW) with about 150 Paragliders also! The wind was about 5-10kts with mild but noticable turbulence that was only a little uneasy at times, in fact very mild compared to other days.


By Allan McMillan | Tue, 05/02/2013 - 03:56

The conditions from Manilla this Thursday and Friday are looking potentially good for a long distance flight.

You should achieve at least one of the following badges:
Bronze: 15km, or 1 hour duration, or 500m gain of height
Silver: 50km, and 3 hours duration, and 1000 m gain of height
Gold: 100km, and 5 hours duration, and 2000 m gain of height
Diamond: 150km open course, or 150 km closed course, or 3000 m gain of height (for 3 separate Diamond Badges)

I did my 254 klm 6.5 hr flight in similar conditions to what is coming up this week.

Any one want to GO FOR GOLD?