General discussion about flying.


By gary p | Mon, 21/01/2013 - 12:04

Hay is there any one out their that knows if there is a great [place to stay in interlaken (Switzerland) as i hope to be there on the 17,18,19, of August 13...... or if any one knows any pilots that are on first name basis with....! as a contact would be great..!as would love to have the opp to fly there......

Regards: Gary Peterson

Stockton for beer and Pizza

By JOD | Mon, 07/01/2013 - 11:45

Swifty was right on my tail last Wednesday when I turned tail from Strezzie at 800' for beer and $10 pizza at the Wash Tub pub. All went to plan including Craig Hand bringing my old Soobie over to retrieve but we soon ran out of seats when Mickey, Harry, Splint and Jamie all got pub suck.

Thanks Swifty for the Pizzas and Swifty's friend Lyn for the lift back to Dicko

Scotts Head day 2

By JOD | Fri, 04/01/2013 - 13:04

Gary and I went back up the hill Saturday and there was a bit more wind so no prob using the lower easy to get to TO. I also checked out the top landing layout and there was plenty of room to set up an easy landing.

This little video is take off and landing first in Fun then second landing in my Sting 3

We were getting nice bubbles to 850' this day in what looked like a 15 kt SSE


By gary p | Mon, 31/12/2012 - 09:41

Any one up for a fly tomorrow @ lake St Clair, looking good with 8 knots W first up then around 5 knots WNW in the arvo 30 deg with some good thermal prospects, any one with out a hang over that's keen give us a call 0434371791..... Or any more info regards to conditions would be great

Denman report from Saturday

By Allan McMillan | Sun, 30/12/2012 - 04:30

Alby, Ebbs and myself left Freeos just after 8.00 under overcast sky of low convective cloud. Pete called in to say it looked like it was clearing at Yarrawah.
We arrived at 10.00 and set up whilst the low cloud split into lines and then dried and and disappeared leaving a large blue sky with a light scattering of small fluffy Cu. Scott arrived just in time to set up with us. We set aan ambitious task for the day: Dunnedoo, Gilgandra with Warren as goal.

Interesting site

By JOD | Thu, 27/12/2012 - 12:45

Called in to see Gary H up at Scotts Head today and soon as I set up camp it was up to the local headland to check out conditions. Garry was already in the air but soon circled down for a top landing to show me the site layout.
That does not mean the bomb out cos heh - there is none.

Dix at Dixon Park

By Kendelsoppo | Sat, 08/12/2012 - 20:26

I think that a lot of people, or some , are forgetting just how delicate our sites are, especially Dixon Park & Empire Park landing area's.

Pilot In Command !
"The pilot in command (PIC) of an aircraft is the person aboard the aircraft who is ultimately responsible for its operation and safety…"

The Pilot In Command…….. does not have control over pedestrians that may appear in front of him whilst on final.
For GA they have designated landing area's called" Airports" with control towers. We don't have that, thank god.