General discussion about flying.

Weather stations

By freeflyer | Mon, 26/10/2015 - 02:49

There is few weather stations that have been installed on launches and there is plans for a few more to be installed.

For now you can check the Australian ones at then select country and then select the station. There is a free app as well called Holfuy available in the play store.

Happy flying



By freeflyer | Tue, 24/02/2015 - 23:10

To all inland pilots that have flown the Watagans sites from 1st October to 31st of December 2014.

Can you please text me on 0414 356588 with details of date and site that you flew in the above period.

As part of our Permit requirement we are obligated to report quarterly on site usage and at this stage forestry Corp is only requesting data from 1st of October 2014 on.

So please take the time to review your log books and text me the details.

Hope to see you all at tonight's meeting to hear more about those flights.



Manilla Pre take off Rituals, (Jan 2015)

By wazzza | Tue, 03/02/2015 - 08:23

After weeks of Xmas rain, Peter, Warren, Ben, Kieran got a few days of xc. After more days of rain, the next wave of pilots below managed to suck some more airtime out of the green landscape.
(Simon broke his personal distance and duration…well done.)

Glider line up… (on ‘green’ grass!)
Cam - (Too sexy for his… pants)

Adam memorial

By JOD | Fri, 17/10/2014 - 23:53

From Swifty

All. Gavin Morris has organised an tribute for Adam Parer this Sunday 19th Oct at 3:00 pm. It will consist of three rings, one in the water one on the land and one in the air. Given the weather forecast the air circle ( ours) will probably not happen so the intent is to set up wings on the sand of Merewether beach in a circle. If you would like to be involved then meet at Dixon Park at 1:30 to organise the set up by 3:00. Cheers Swifty.