General discussion about flying.

Denman to Caves Beach

By Rusty Wires | Sun, 03/11/2013 - 01:32

yesterdays flight from denman to coast, caves beach pub, hot, windy and very rough air, three tows to get away, almost bombed at the fat lady's dairy, got chased by an eagle that wanted to tear my glider a new ass hole, got my ass kicked in turbulence, almost landed at apple tree flatt, vg rope knotted on full at low altitude, got chased by another eagle whilst in a low save at jerrys plain's, felt sick, almost landed in a coal mine, had a chunder, almost landed at the olive grove, finally got up to eight grand and started getting cold with a massive headache..

Comps and Flying, not money and technicalities

By Anonymous (not verified) | Wed, 30/10/2013 - 11:50

As Billo would say " comp directors and organisers, are as scarce as hens teeth " as without them there will be no comps. Its a hang gliding club, not a financial club, we want flying not money. We had no money before and things went along fine. So what if an organiser makes money out of a comp, we dont need the money, its just building up and creating bureaucrats to decide what to do with it. So its the comps and the flying we want and not the money etc Lets not mess with success.

My best coastal flight

By Allan McMillan | Mon, 28/10/2013 - 11:37

I had my best coastal flight last Saturday flying my Rev 13.5 at Stanwell. Brilliant day, 10-15 kts SE breeze all Saturday afternoon. I flew from the northern most point near the national park down to Buli.

Here is a short 6 min video of the flight. I was in the air for about 2.5 hrs. The cameral slipped on the keel when I launched so the view is a bit skewed.

Some help needed with landing analysis please

By Allan McMillan | Sun, 27/10/2013 - 01:25

I been trying out my latest glider - I bought a Rev 13.5 (ex Worlds) and have been getting some air time on the coast. I find my landings are still tending to be arrivals more than the landings I would prefer. Here is a clip of my approach and landing at Stanwel yesterday. As you will see I got into a bit of yaw as I was low to the ground.
I had the VG full off, came in with speed and was headed into the wind. I dont think there was any rota from the tree line. If anyone with experience would care to have a look and make comments I would really appreciate it.

Beware the rotor hammer!!!

By JOD | Sat, 12/10/2013 - 06:12

Have flown at this nice little site at Scott's Head a couple of times

faces ESE and works well in SE above 15 kts

You take off general at the northern end of the cleared section above and fly south to a larger hill about 400' asl and then there is nice lift to 600 and more with sea thermals.

View to south

and this is the safest landing at south end of this beach.

hang gliding in hawaii

By johnboy | Tue, 01/10/2013 - 06:46

just thought i'd share a couple of links to some videos of what its like to fly in hawaii, i had a ball while i was there flying 6 times. i took a couple of videos myself but i'm having trouble downloading some. the first two links are of the locals and the next two are of me. i was luck enough to experience the full range of wind conditions, the video you see of me was when it was at its lightest with no wire assist- a very rare thing at Makapuu...

Thank you

By fabian | Mon, 16/09/2013 - 10:07

Thank you
Thank you to tony Barton for selling me a sting no 1 it mite be old but it flys good so look out for my sting with Peter Pan on it the first time flying dobble surffest glider it was fun at dungog lookout flying to 1500 ft I was having fun on thermals I waited over two years to fly there and it was a little tricke to top land but I done it and I for got to say thank you to tony for fixing my fun 190 back up after a stuff up we all have our ups and downs

Its nice to get out

By JOD | Tue, 18/06/2013 - 11:38

John Boy was keen to get in the air so with no coastal possibilities today we went up Summit point and after 30 minutes site maintenance had the take off run good enough to take off from.

There wasn't much lift with a bit of lift to left of launch and at the end of the spur where I shared with a wedgie in a small bubble for a while.

We were greeted by both sets of neighbours in the landing field who were both happy with the entertainment we provided. Landing was still wind upslope - very nice.

Winter at Pete's place

By JOD | Wed, 12/06/2013 - 13:19

Driving out of Newcastle Saturday late morning in cloud and drizzle wasn't real encouraging for a flying weekend at Yarrawa, but its been a while since we had visited Pete and Christine so with push bikes and camping gear loaded it was still nice to get away. A light lunch at Denman with Alby and Jan was a leisurely affair and Sat afternoon was spent watching Pete demonstrate his new flying machine and a catch up with Alistair and his nano-light trike.

Jan smiled with the promise of the flight