By JOD | Wed, 12/06/2013 - 13:19

Driving out of Newcastle Saturday late morning in cloud and drizzle wasn't real encouraging for a flying weekend at Yarrawa, but its been a while since we had visited Pete and Christine so with push bikes and camping gear loaded it was still nice to get away. A light lunch at Denman with Alby and Jan was a leisurely affair and Sat afternoon was spent watching Pete demonstrate his new flying machine and a catch up with Alistair and his nano-light trike.

Jan smiled with the promise of the flight

and I got a nice view of the valley from the new machine

Sunday saw the girls off riding mountain bikes at James Estate's excellent MB facility while the rest of us got some nice tows in mixing it with Tony Barton teaching scooter towing. Thanks Alby for the loan of your Fun 2. Tows and lands just fine :-)

Another nice dinner at the Royal in town and welcoming fire back at Pete's shed.

Monday and it was back to James Estate for a hike up the hills above the vineyard for spectacular views and some interesting trekking.

Shortest day of the year in less than a week - so bring on summer.

Thanks again to Pete and Christine for their continuing hospitality.