By JOD | Sat, 12/10/2013 - 06:12

Have flown at this nice little site at Scott's Head a couple of times

faces ESE and works well in SE above 15 kts

You take off general at the northern end of the cleared section above and fly south to a larger hill about 400' asl and then there is nice lift to 600 and more with sea thermals.

View to south

and this is the safest landing at south end of this beach.

Well in my typical manner I decided after an hour or so flying I would go back and top land near friends and car at top clearing in this pic

which I have done twice before, but hI didn't account for the lighter conditions from when I had taken off earlier.
I arrived with plenty of height and did a 360 approach but was too high to land and went to front face to reassess. Trouble was it was only just soarable on this smaller ridge and when I maxed out I attempted a figure 8 top landing approach - and was a bit low when setting up final. Left wing dropped in to the rotor air and glider spun down quick from about 8 metres and hit hard on base bar.

After a chopper ride to Coffs Harbour Hospital I got fixed up and am now back home.

with a messed up femur and lots of other breaks.

I guess I should have opted for the safe landing on beach to the south :-(

After a week at Coffs they let me home once I could master stairs

I'm off the beer for a month I reckon but am happy to watch my mates drink :-)

Sues dogs are over at my place for the recovery period - they just smile at me

Cheers - and beware the rotor hammer.

I think the late Craig Worth put it slightly different "don't land for convenience when there is a safer landing option"