Sting 3 168 for sale

By Allan McMillan | Mon, 31/01/2022 - 08:47

Selling my Airborne STING 3 168 Built specially for me.  Was the glider I used to do the record breaking flight for an intermeadiate glider of 254 Klms from Borah to Walget. Ready to fly, I last flew it at  Forbes in  October 2020. Has "eagle eye" eagle stoppers on top - very effective at stopping eagle strikes. Fitted with VG. Thermal nicely flys coastal comfortably. For more information please contact me on 0400 637 070. Sweet glider to fly. Reason for selling: I'm retiring from Hang glider s due to shoulder and and knee not being as young as they used to be. I just fly my trike now.