By connor | Wed, 31/01/2024 - 09:34
Meeting Minutes Jan '24 Keiran meets Kate from NP - happy for signage, weddings are legit and within their guidelines. It was proposed that official weddings have signage such that pilots know if a wedding is legit. Still need to pay Pete. Hooley Dooley maintenance - no clue. Ask John Harriott for help chasing grants - happy to help teach someone to chase grants. Flying in the last month: Jamie O flew to Redhead from Strezzie. Many members flew. Rory won Forbes. Corryong: Troy 1st in Sport Connor 3rd in Floater Donny 2nd in Floater V Dustan 1st in Open B Safety Issues: Adriaan forgot to hook on a cable - he corrected the error without incident. NE Heaton still needs maintenance. Lake St Clair Weather station down. Manilla - still places open for NSW state titles. Treasurer's report: Savings: $16258 Working: $1974 Paypal: $1850 John Boy wants club to write a letter to council to maintain Dixon Park. Y John Harriott: New person - Tom McDonald Former Stanwell club, now state commitee. Part of the committee that got Stanwell legally protected. - Corryong - Good representation from the club, as well as Rory in Forbes. HGComps did an impressive job running the comp. Central Coast + NPGC clearing Moonee site Saturday (3/2/24), 9am. All welcome. Tom McD New NSWHPA liasion. QR code initiative for information about local sites for visiting pilots - does not replace an induction, but mitigates the 'harm' done unknowingly by visiting pilots about local ettiquete. Subsidies - money that can be utilised for website maintenance, site maintenance etc. Tow clinic - Illawara HGC & Stanwell - certain clubs have been afforded winches through NSWHPA - Matt Hayes running the SOP for winches. Dates TBC - clinic will involve information about the use of winches and training therefore. Tom to raise the point about SAFA enquiring about Tony helping with towing, but the towing insurance rates are cost prohibitive. NSWHPA meeting 22/2/24. Correspondence can be done through NHGC to NSWHPA as required. Sat 4/5 - Sun 5/5 for towing clinic. NHCG received a request to nominate some members to be trained in winch towing. Jamie O, Kenny, Gary, Patto, Billo EOI'd for winch clinic. Likely to be done at Yarrawa (Pete M's place). JOD - no links on webpage for weather stations - Links to weather stations on the club website. Adriaan can stick links on the website to ammend this. Jamie O - Hooley Doolies - Jamie is the contact point for NHGC. Will have to resign from this position. Merewether needs a trim - foliage in front of launch is creating rotor. Possibility to setup a sign at Merwether about the time a wedding is taking place - including start and end times. May need permission for contents of signage. Potential to have AM weddings - mixed messages between us (NHGC) and NPGC. Tinks - 29 registered pilots for Manilla - aimed for 30, late rego may push that up. In contact w/ local businesses about day prizes. Things are proceeding according to plan.