By admin | Wed, 03/08/2022 - 02:33

NHGC AGM        27/07/2022

Location:  Bar Beach Bowling Club

Attendees:  Adriaan Mulder, Kieran Black, Craig Hand, Gary Herman, Ian Ladyman, Glen Selmes, John Harriot, Craig Flanagan, Rob Larkin, Ken Harris, Don Gardner, Michael Wamsley, Harry Daniels, Brad Patfield, Dustin & Conner Hansen, Tony Barton, Kyle Boyd, Jamie Oorschot, Conrad Loten.

Zoom: Nobody

Apologies: John Dingle, JOD, Rod Moore, Royce Allenson

Meeting start 730pm


New President!

Kieran Black was voted in as new president (default because there were no other candidates!).  Adrian handed the reigns over to Kieran.  A big thanks to Adrian for being president for 3 years and his ongoing contribution to the club as Vice President.  John Dingle could not make the meeting and Jamie stood in on his behalf.


Amalgamation – Open Discussion

The meeting began with a very open discussion on the difficulty filling President/Secretary roles and amalgamation and getting young people/women into the sport.  As Kieran so eloquently put it, the club is a ‘sausage fest’.

Issues raised for discussion with amalgamation of NHGC and NPGC were:

  1. The concern that PG pilots could greatly out number HG pilots and hence could out vote and take control of the club.
  2. Loss of “Newcastle Hang Gliding Club” name,
  3. If clubs joined then not acknowledging Paragliders with a name change is also not fair,
  4. Loss of club history,
  5. Acknowledging past ‘sledging PG pilots’ is no longer acceptable behavior,
  6. How to fairly merge club bank accounts given that NCHG has ~$20k and NPGC has ~$6k.

These are just some of the issues that need to be discussed and resolved before some of the few members against amalgamation might be willing to accept amalgamation.

Brad Patfield gave a brief of how the NPGC is going through a similar situation where Peter, the current president, would like to step down but nobody has shown any interest to step up and be the new president.  Again John Harriot highlighted how most paragliding and hang gliding clubs have merged and Newcastle is one of the few locations holding back against this trend.  A good example of amalgamation is Norther Rivers.  Now that they are a much larger club they have been much more successful dealing with local councils and National Parks.

Commitment to invite PG pilots into the club, organize club launch site working bees together, training/intro days together.  Surprisingly many HG pilots would also like to do PG and vice versa.

New Business

Unanimous agreement to make a permanent item on club meeting agenda – each flying site have a nominated person.  That person to give site update.  Review that this person is happy to continue being the main contact person for that site.

There is a new Whatsapp group that is NSW based.  Much larger group.  If John Harriot could send us the details we will notify members.

The club needs a Social Media Co-Ordinator.  Cameron Evans identified as best person for the job.  Jamie to approach him about it.



Hunter bombout – Anna is happy to have a hang glider setup and introduce her horse to the hang glider.  The main objective is to get the horse accustomed to hang glider so hopefully it will be less scared when a hang glider comes in to land.  Jamie to organize.  Helpers welcome.  Brad keen to come and see if we can do the same for paragliders.

Watagans – Forestry have closed off Watagans to cars and also walkers.  Recent landslides are the reason.  Hopefully we will be able to get back in there by December.

Lake st Claire – a combination padlock has been put on the main access gate by the farmer.  It was done to stop campers trying to drive up the hill.  Recently they have done damage to the track in wet conditions.  The padlock code is 5721.  Recently two separate incidents of paragliders getting tangled in the single wire power line.  Brad has contacted Energy Australia about putting red balls on the wire.  Energy Australia have investigated and are going to replace the power line with a new one.  The are prepared to put the balls on at no expense, we just need to pay for the balls.  NSWHPA are happy to pay for the balls.  John Harriot has been the primary contact for this site.  He has a heavy volunteer workload with NSWHPA and would like another person to take on this role.  NHGC and NPGC to find this person.

Hooley Dooleys – Patto gave update.  Permission being held up by legal team.

Bombala – gate recently broken, fixed by Ian Ladyman, Alexander Barras and Zack Fordham.  Ian also fixed erosion along path.  Working bee this coming Saturday, 10am.

Merewether – Windsock broken off top of pole during recent storm.  Jamie and Craig Flanagan are making a bunch of new windsocks.  This one will be replaced soon.

King Edward Park Launch – bushes directly out the front are getting very high.  Expect extreme turbulence when launching directly downwind.

Watagans – New Forestry contact.  No update from Royce (not present).


NSWHPA Winch Initiative Update by John Harriot.

Northern Rivers Winch has been approved.

John, Jamie, Patto and Jeff Bednal have got the paperwork done.  Our winch (NHGC/NPGC/CCSS) has been approved.  Winches should start rolling off the production line in approximately 2 months.  At about that time training courses will start at Dubbo.

Please Please Please – lets go use them!

A 2-3km long tow strip exists ½ hour fly past Denman.  Lets go find it!


Comps – No Update.


Treasurers Report

Main Account - $18,795.43

2nd Account - $490.95

Paypal - $1,435.17

Money spent this month – new laptop for club president $1,369.00.  This is to be used by the President for club business and will be passed on to each new president.  Adriaan will be tech support for president.  Should last ~5 years.


Meeting ended 9pm.