By admin | Fri, 01/10/2021 - 05:11

NHGC Meeting 29/09/2021

Attendees by Zoom:  Adriaan, Jamie, Royce, Billo, Brad Patfield, Ken Harris, Matt Tynin, John Harriot, Ian Ladyman, Frans, Gary Herman, Tony Barton, Harry Daniels, Edward Assonto, Craig Hand, JOD

Apologies: Karl Kindle, John Spencer, Andreas, John Dingle, Rod Moore

Previous Minutes 1st Craig Hand, 2nd Royce


General Business

There are some problems with the club website that Adriaan is trying to fix.  If you see a problem/bug please let Adriaan know.  One of the problems is the login.  Don’t use the menu, use the log in box on the left hand side instead.

Adriaan toured the Watagan launches on his motorbike (Lake Mac LGA) and created a Powerpoint presentation he has uploaded to our website and has created a slideshow under the menu link “Sites”.  Photos show Astro turf still where we left it, ready to be rolled out.  Signage still intact.  Remnants from campfires normal.  Adriaan also created a Map showing locations.  Some of the sites are getting a bit overgrown and will need some attention.


Royce and Jamie have been looking at various options for 3 weather station poles at the Watagan launches.  They include hiding (Forestrys preferred option), directly at launch and attaching to trees.  All have provision to access weather stations from the ground.  Depending on location heights can vary from 8m to 20m!  Vandalism is the main challenge.  Some ideas are being suggested to Forestry first (ie attaching to trees) before a more in depth proposal is prepared.  Gary Herman has an unused Telescoping Radio mast – please email pictures to Jamie.

Karl Kindle’s Yarrawa fly-in for the disabled is moving to Chris and Pete Marhine’s, Yarrawa.  Karl is still looking for Trike/Tandem HG volunteers.  If you are able and willing to help please give him a call.   Troy Horton has volunteered his services for the day, depending on availability.  Karl has recently moved to John Hunter Hospital.

Women with Wings has appointed 3 ladies (Karen Waller,Natalia Huber, Judi de Groot) and funded with $50k grant from NSWHPA to organize/promote women into HG/PG.  The money is most likely to be used creating events to encourage women into the sport.  If you have any ideas or would like to help please get in touch with Natalia (  A recent email to Adriaan asking a few basic questions demonstrated how incredibly few women we have in our club.  For example, NHGC only have 2 female members or 3%!  What can we do to attract women into the sport?

Dixon Park Toilet block concrete roof is currently undergoing repairs.  NCC are fixing concrete cancer.  The new kiosk has been finished and is waiting for a tenant.  A concrete footpath has been installed through what was our regular de-rig area behind the kiosk.  This is proving popular out of the wind picnic spot and displacing pilots into the dog park.  A fire hydrant has recently been installed in the car parking area.  Possibly because of the kiosk or maybe council are planning to redevelop above the toilet block?  Please be on the lookout for any DA’s on the NCC website.  NHGC did approach NCC about their plans to develop above the toilet block a few months ago and they came back saying they had no plans.  We are on file and they said they would notify us if their plans change.  They are aware an upper story development would interfere with our top landing approach.  They have been very accommodating in the past, the light bollards are a good indication of this.

Should we attempt to make Dixon Park a recognized site like Strzelecki?  Meeting discussion showed mixed opinion on this.  Recognition that eventually we will be pushed out if we do nothing and the area gets busier with population growth.  Alternatively, club members recognize that if we attempt to get official site status we could lose the site altogether.  Dixon Park top launch/landing tests the  terms of operating in close proximity to the public.  A lot of exemptions are going to be required and might impose additional operational burdens, for example putting out witches’ hats to designate landing area, designating a launch official etc.  JOD pointed out this has been done for Strzelecki/Empire Park. It was dropped because of the fears and obligations mentioned above,  If a couple of club members would like to start the process getting official status please get in contact with Adriaan.  Put a plan together.  The plan needs to be approved by the club first before NCC can be contacted.

New Business

John Dingle asked if we could organize a parachute repack night.  We used to do it at Airborne but unfortunately their new workshop at Pelican airstrip might be too small so we could be looking for a new venue.  Any ideas please contact Adriaan.  If we can do before Barraba big toe that would be great!

Catho launch gate is currently locked.  This is because of the big puddle on the entrance needing some work.  John Harriot will enquire as he knows the person to contact.  Hopefully it isn’t fixed too well so that the spot becomes popular with picnickers in their 2wd’s!



Barraba Big Toe – in 10 days Karl is going to make the call whether or not the comp goes ahead.  Rory is happy to be Meathead, Jamie comp director in Karl’s absence, and Billo ok to do the scoring.  Billo less optimistic about comp because borders will still be closed and hence only NSW pilots.  Which means low A rating if at all.  Currently only 1 person signed up (Jamie).  If you are interested in going but too much uncertainty to commit the $ you can still secure your position by going to the club website signup with a $0 purchase for the comp.  If Karl sees lots of signup, and hence lots of interest, he is likely to go ahead with the comp.


Safety Issues

Tony Barton has requested a post at the Hickson St launch be relocated.  Adriaan has contacted Kate about this but Kate has been slow to respond.  Adriaan will keep trying.



Sea breezes are starting to kick in and there has been some coastal flying (Pilots inside their LGA 😊).

Last Sunday Craig & JOD were flying in 20+ Knots from Dicko.  It got up to 27kn which was top end for the old fun!  Later that day when conditions mellowed out to 20-22kn SE Jamie flew to Burwood beach and found the sweetest bit of Dune Gooning ever!

Brad Patfield had two days in a row at 1000ft+ above Dudley.  Why no hangies on the Dunes?  Dudley beach dune doesn’t seem to work!  We have tried 😊



$19,938 main account

$212 secondary account (recent expenses $140 astro turf staples, $541 website services for 2 years & Zoom now attached to our PayPal account and in NHGC name).

$435 PayPal account.