By arm | Thu, 26/09/2019 - 21:35

Apologies: Adriaan Mulder, Donney Gardner, Matt Olive, George Bushara, Karl Kindle, Adam Donaldson

Attending: Ian Ladyman, Alan McMilllan, John Spencer, John Dingle, Kyle, Prudence, Harry, Tony, Ben, Rory, Jamie

New member: Prudence Bowe (Paid $15 to Ben)

Previous Minutes – seconded Tony

No New Business.

Safety Issues;
None reported. Tony would like to look at rating changes at our local sites (more restrictive to novices) and form a committee. John Spencer counteracted this idea with advanced pilots need to be more nurturing of our novice pilots and that we should maintain some flexibility on a case by case basis where a novice is being supervised by a local advanced pilot. He also warned that just relying on site rating opens the doors for incidents with advanced pilots who do not have local knowledge/skills.

Site Report:
No news on progress in Watagans or condition of Watagan sites by Jason Mckenzie.
Ian Ladyman has reported the padlock at Bombala st Launch has been replaced with a ‘loopy bolt’.

Items following on from previous month’s meeting;
1. Letter to Kate at National Parks. John Spencer had no knowledge of request for past history. Harry has requested a sub committee. Suggestion to approach additional people such as Royce & NSWHPA, John Harriot, Mollo and Chris McDonald.
2. Christmas Party – did not vote on this item. There was too many alternative ideas to spending 1-2$k. Main concerns were to commit that money and not have a turnout of people. Alternative ideas included members wishing to go pay up front for the evening and the club later reimburse them. This way a budget can be pre-defined based on those who wish to attend. Ideas to be submitted to club website prior to next meeting. If you do not wish to go online, SMS Adrian and he will post on your behalf.
3. Voting on Purchase of 360 camera to make a club promotional video – zero votes for, 11 against. Main concerns were
a. how the camera would be managed amongst members,
b. still need to find a person to do video editing, paid or unpaid,
c. there is a lot of footage already existing that members could submit to be used.
The idea of paying someone ~$1000 to perform the editing was more popular. We suggested voting on this idea instead at the next meeting. Alternative ideas should be posted on the club website or SMS Adrian and he will post on your behalf.

Treasurers Report
$26k in the bank.