By Anonymous (not verified) | Mon, 04/11/2013 - 08:24

Goal was the coast. Took off in RX in strong conditions and within a minute was in a thermal out front that took me to over 8000ft and well over the back. Downwind drift was really strong and it was difficult tracking a course line more Southerly. Theres no flat land over the back and it was only when I got to the Hunter River north of Maitland that there were any decent looking LZ. Got low once down to below 2000 asl. Eventually landed south of Maitland in the valley behind Sugarloaf. Didnt have to land but with getting close to Newcastle the drift when climbing was a problem. Thanks heaps to Tony for the support and pickup. It was an epic day for tail wind PB's and even though the wind was so strong, the thermals were not blown out