By connor | Wed, 28/02/2024 - 09:36
NHGC Meeting Minutes Feb '24 Apologies: Tinks Donny Adriaan Matt O JOD Shane D Manilla - Good flying all round, Tinks to give more detailed update next meeting (Late March). Conditions were challenging some days. 33 registered pilots. No electrocuted pilots, some rainy/thundery weather. Bad launch early in the comp - Sunday - Paul Barry had an incident on launch, left wingtip hit the ground early in the launch, hard impact on the left wing, serious injuries. Task was cancelled. Still in hospital as of last update. Harry - suggested on communication of serious accidents, a full description of the person should be given to avoid confusion. Gary - Lot of interest surrounding Barraba Big Tow, but needs a comp director to be run. Harry - Helicopter rescue at North Wybung two (?) paraglider pilots. Central Coast HG runs the site. has been reported to SAFA, pilots have been identified officially. Weather was very inclement, suspected illegal launch. NHGC Accident policy: AIRS are designed for incident reporting, and ends up in informational circles e.g. Sky Sailor for the general education of pilots. It would be beneficial to renew/revise safety officers, in the interest of better incident/accident management. Lots of reporting of incidents, even small, will show patterns over time of dangerous areas/habits Site Reports: East face of Merewether needs trimming at ground level. A review of the maintenance agreement of Merewether would be beneficial, as it is felt that the site is not being properly maintained. Thanks to Rod for all of his hard work in site maintenance. Treasurer: +1400$ in Entry fees +170$ Comp money -2765$ for Comp trophies -1000$ for Comp shirts -1200$ for Comp Organisation. Misc. transfers $17058.20 as of 28/2/24.