By arm | Fri, 08/11/2019 - 06:10

NHGC Minutes
October 30th 2019, Bar Beach Bowlo
Apologies: Adrian, Royce, Lorry
Attending: Prudence, Kyle, Rory, Ben, Jamie, Karl, Craig, John Dingle, Billo, JOD, Harry, Selmsy, Ken Harris, New member (Student Pilot) Michael (?).
Last Minutes: Seconded Craig & Karl
Treasurers Report: $23,446
Safety Issues: None
Site Report: Karl – Watagans Stage 1 Hunter & SE Heaton trees removed. Stage 2 new launch at West Heaton still awaiting for Aboriginal assessment. New launch at NE Heaton not dead yet, re-applying with reduced footprint. Weather station on Telstra tower application still being assessed. Ken Farmer paid for cutting trees by club using money for both stages. Got to chase money pledged by PG club. Money from HPA done. NHGC have paid their contribution. Sports funding needed for next round of clearing.
Last Months business: Xmas Party options ;
1. Ocean St
2. Softys – Unanimous vote winner.
Agreed to have on Friday 13th December with $750 budget. Prudence volunteered to draw up a flyer. Invite PG club. Make event appealing to members spouses/partners.
New Business:
1. West Bombout at Mt Borah officially lost due to new owner putting in strip farming. Godfrey has permission to clear a small area on the side of the hill but unfortunately this will be too small for hang-gliders to land. Without a west bombout the NSW state titles cannot be held at Mt Borah.
2. New ideas requested for a new hill to host NSW state titles comp. Potentially become a towing comp. Some resistance to becoming a towing comp because it is not as inclusive to pilots of all skill levels (ie you must have your towing endorsement).
3. Agreed to cancel to comp and re-imberse money.
4. Popular suggestion is to temporarily host the competition at Bright/Mt Beuty (ie same launches as the ‘Bogong Cup’). Karl to investigate and contact Ole/Pat (local pilots) and talk to HPA. This will disadvantage Queensland pilots with extra travel distance but at such short notice no better alternatives.

Comps update:
CWC Gulgong – 16 pilots enlisted.
Corryong – 10 pilots enlisted.
Meeting close.