By freeflyer | Tue, 04/08/2015 - 04:00

As discussed at the last meeting we are doing pruning works at all the sites in the Watagans on Sunday the 9th of August 2015

Starting at NE Heaton 9am.

For those wishing to car pool we can meet at Freemans waterhole at 8am.

Bring pruning tools especially telescopic pole saws, PPE etc

Important - we are only doing pruning within the permit areas at this stage.

We are in the process of drafting plans to submit to Forestry which will include the falling of some trees and reshaping of launch pads. Once these plans have been approved by Forestry we can then commence major works and more will be announced at club meetings and on the website in the near future. Goal is to complete major works by October.

All Launch's are still open except for Heaton park, if you are thinking of flying the Watagans for first time make sure you attend with and are briefed by a NHGC advanced pilot.

Any Questions please contact me 0414 356 588 otherwise see you on the day, many hands make work light.
