By Karl | Fri, 12/12/2014 - 15:54

Its 2am and the NHGC xmas party is rapping up.A great night had by all.
The barbie was running hot and Nicola,Kath and libby made some great
salads and vegie food.Everyone tucked into the tucker and then the grog
began to flow.All the usual hang gliding stories were dusty off and Dj camo
started to get the joint jumping.Their were party games being played in the
Kitchen and strongman games being played outside.A big thankyou to
Conrad,Nicola and their flatmates for the use of their home.Thankyou to
Jamie for helping to set up for the party
A huge thankyou To DJ Camo and Lyn for the music and lightshow nice one.
Newcastle Hang Gliding Club
and I
Wish everyone a merry xmas and a safe and prosperous new year

Wear your wings out
Hariy Karl Love u guys