By Nicola Bowskill | Thu, 09/08/2012 - 02:07

You may remember a couple of months ago my friend Connor wanted to take photos of us hang gliding folk. Winter weather made it difficult for him to catch coastal flying in his limited time frame but he did make it up to Anna Bay one afternoon when myself, Keiron, Conrad and Kath (NZ) were dune gooning. Some photos from that day are now part of his exhibition 'Engaging Newcastle' which aimed to record interesting communities, cultures and sub-cultures of Newcastle.

The exhibition opens this Friday night 6.30pm at the Lock up Gallery 90 Hunter St, Newcastle and runs from the 10-28th August. I've had a sneak preview and its inspiring to see hangliding amongst many other groups who make Newcastle interesting - he photographed the Samoan community, street buskers, international refugees and many more. If you are interested, please come, it's an incredible exhibition and will be good fun on the opening night - no doubt many the photo's subjects will be there.

Here is his blog about the event

And the faceboook event…