This is the new website and forum for the Newcastle Hang Gliding Club.

I'll try to answer your questions here . . .

If you were registered on the old forum then you should have received a registration notification via email for this site. Your old username should be the same with a new password. Try typing that information into the login fields on the left then look for the button (blue text) "Read more'' to see more of this post.

If you are a financial member of the club you will be afforded access to more areas and tools on this site. More about this to come.

If you are not already registered then you can press the "Register" button, fill out the form and it will be sent to me for approval. Please use your real name or one that I know otherwise I will have to send you an email to confirm who you are and to know wether to put you in the "Financial Members" group.

I hope the switch goes smoothly for you but if you have any problems you can use the "Contact" button to reach me.

Below you can see that I am adding pages of information to get you started on using this new website. Click "Quick Start" to find out more.