By admin | Mon, 12/06/2023 - 10:14
Newcastle Hang Gliding Club. Minutes from meeting dated 31 st , May 2023. 10 attendees, 1 zoom video attendee. Apologies....Harry Daniels and Ian Ladyman. Minutes from previous meeting on club website, minutes read and accepted as correct. Brief talk about Royce and his injuries. Everyone in Newcastle club wishes him a speedy and full recovery. Environmental report from Tuz has been admitted. Tuz would like to learn to handglide as the cost of his assessment. Harry sends an SMS re vegetation at Dixon Park. Petra (council Employee) has stated that trimming of vegetation has been denied totally. Harry has requested another meeting, hopefully with more members in attendance to come to a mutual agreement that benefits both parties. Ian is ready to install the weather station at Dixon Park. (Needs to be paid for work done). Needs help from Jamie with bracket attachment and installation. FLYING REPORTS. A few short flights in the occasional light southerly winds. GENERAL BUISNESS. John Harriet talks about the 4 winches arrival being slightly delayed. There will be a day at Pete Marhein’s place in august to learn about the operating of said winches, and towing procedures. 2 Hopefully there will be a good attendance from the Newcastle Hang Gliding community. JOD has recently been up to the Hunter launch in Watagans, and said it needs a little bit of site maintenance before flying there again. Financial Report No Change from last month at time of meeting Meeting closed.